Warwickshire ICT Development Service

Providing full ICT support for Warwickshire Schools, Academies,
Multi-Academy Trusts, Federations and other Local Authorities Schools
Our service supports you to make secure, innovative use of technology to improve outcomes. We work with you to keep your school safe and connected so that you are able to focus on education.
Our service:
Ensures critical IT systems function at optimum levels
Supports you to keep children safe online
Provides fully tested equipment, software and systems that are focussed on education and learning
Interprets new legislation and develops solutions to save you time
Provides a one stop shop to meet all your ICT needs
Why use us?
We understand the complexities of using and managing ICT within a school environment and support you to implement cost effective solutions that will raise standards in teaching, learning and school management.
Our Specialisms
Strategic ICT planning
ICT systems and technical management
Online safety and digital safeguarding
MIS support, development and training
Tailored Services
Our services are flexible and can be tailored to meet your individual needs – please contact us if you would like to discuss arranging a tailored package for your school.

Supply & Procurement
With a range of industry leading partners, ICTDS is able to offer schools competitive pricing on a range of IT hardware and infrastructure solutions.
- Server & Network solutions
- iPads & Management solutions
- Interactive Panels
- Laptops & Chromebooks
- Digital Safeguarding
- Printers
- ICT accessories

Technical Support
Fully trained technicians can support your education establishment either on an adhoc or more permanent basis keeping your establishments up to date and hassle free with a wrap around service.
Please contact us for a free consultation, so that we can help you get the individual service you need.
01926 414100 ICTDSServicedesk@warwickshire.gov.uk
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